Being involved in a car accident can be a stressful event, particularly if you are unfamiliar with your state’s regulations for crash reporting. Filing a crash report will allow you to document all the details of your automobile accident. This can prove helpful later on, should you seek compensation through your insurance company or the court system. If you are involved in a car accident in New Jersey, there are several important things to keep in mind when filing your crash report.
In the state of New Jersey, you should report any motor vehicle accident which involves injury, death, or property damage of more than $500. Even if you are only involved in a minor accident, it is still important to contact law enforcement and properly report your crash within 10 days of the accident. Doing so will make sure the details of your accident are properly documented, which can have many benefits for you later on.
Filing an accident report with the New Jersey MVC is a crucial step to take if you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident. There are several things this report will note, including:
If you plan to claim insurance benefits after being involved in a car accident, the insurance adjuster will likely request a copy of your official New Jersey accident report. They will use the information in this report to establish fault and causation of the accident so that they can provide you with as fair a settlement as possible.
It is far more difficult to receive a fair settlement if you are unable to provide your adjuster with a copy of your official report. In some cases, it can lead to higher monthly rates. It is important that you secure a copy of your official report so that you can receive the insurance you deserve.
Additionally, there are several ways a crash report can be helpful to parties who have been involved in an automobile accident. A few examples include:
If you have been involved in an automobile accident in the state of New Jersey, it is crucial that you file a crash report with the New Jersey MVC. If the driver of a vehicle is unable to file the report, a passenger should fill it out for them so that everyone involved can be sure their injuries and property damages are properly documented.
Filing a crash report is one of the most important ways to make sure all parties involved are properly represented. If you have been involved in a New Jersey automobile accident or have questions about crash reporting, contact us today!